Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/u427580928/domains/ on line 3825 Imprimir - Polish translation of Resident Evil Survivor 2 Code Veronica PS2
Romhacking => Traduções e Modificações => Tópico iniciado por: christoff em Dezembro 18, 2023, 05:49:11 am
Título: Polish translation of Resident Evil Survivor 2 Code Veronica PS2
Enviado por: christoff em Dezembro 18, 2023, 05:49:11 am
Polish translation for Resident Evil Survivor 2: Code Veronica for PS2. EUR SLES-50650. CRC checksum - CFE90AC8. --- It translate all texts, graphics and secret reports. --- You can play on emulator or real PS2. Just burn a disc. --- Polish translation work only with joystick / Pad. Guncon 45 is not supported. --- It's a big crap in Resident Evil series but someone maybe want to play. --- You can contact me via: Krzysztof Jasiński, --
BTW Flag, Bots from all over the world have target this site to attack. Skynet attack. ;D
Título: Re:Polish translation of Resident Evil Survivor 2 Code Veronica PS2
Enviado por: Flag King em Dezembro 24, 2023, 11:59:30 am
Hi, christoff, my polish friend!
One of our monthly glad is to see your translations! Heheheh I'm personaly happy with this translations of Resident Evil still working and appearing!
Thanks and congratulations to your excellent work!
Ps.; Yeah my friend, CT Forum is attack from spammers mostrly every day. It's a sucks but we try every possible to not affast our trully mmembers with captchas or sometihing. It's a day-by-day battle!
Thanks again to you to always show your work!
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